Saturday, 4 August 2018

Attending YALC

Hi guys! So I attended YALC at Comic Con which is basically a book lover's heaven. There were book signings, publishers, workshops, talks and more. I'll be showing you what I got up to and who I met!

So the day didn't go to plan because the trains decided to have a shit fit, but when we finally got there, we went upstairs and saw so many people dressed up in costumes and went to see all the stalls in the main section of Comic Con.

First we went to sit down and listen to the talk Lisa Williamson was hosting, called 'Real World, Real Me.' It was all about mental health books, the process of writing and what they were about. It was a great talk and I also went to see Juno Dawson talk at the end of the day. She was talking about Clean and addiction and how it's still such a taboo subject.

There was a Waterstone's pop up shop where you could buy the author's books and there were so many publishing houses, including Walker books, Penguin, Bloomsbury and Quirk books.

I managed to get Floored signed by Holly Bourne and bumped into Lisa Williamson, who I interviewed on my blog. I adore Lisa and Juno and I can't wait to read more of their work. I also loved seeing all the new authors and the author talks gave me more books to put on my to be read pile!

If you went along, let me know what you thought! Until next time, Vee x


  1. Ooh sounds amazing, I'm so jealous!

  2. I'm glad you had such a wonderful time! I couldn't make it this year, but am planning on going next year, and can't wait!
