Saturday, 8 December 2018

Blogmas: Christmas on a Budget

Hi everyone! I was thinking up Blogmas ideas and I thought that because Christmas is such an expensive time for so many, that I would create a budget post to help you at this time of year! I've struggled over the years and have managed to do Christmas on a very tight, apprenticeship wage. I know, magic. But this is how you can do Christmas on a budget, too.

Christmas on a Budget

  • Make things instead of spending a fortune - such as Christmas cards (if you have children, get them to do some artsy drawings for you), tags, gifts and even wrapping paper. Pinterest has some great ideas on what to make at Christmas time.
  • Save pennies up in your money box throughout the year - it all adds up!
  • Make a list (yes, I know I love a list) of who you're going to buy for and what you want to buy for them. Work out how much you want to spend on each person and break down the costs.
  • Avoid going out to shop; do as much online shopping as possible to avoid impulse buys.
  • Shop second hand - buy from CEX, eBay etc. You can find some great bargains on electronics and games.
  • Avoid buying decorations for the table such as candles, napkins or paper plates - ask yourself if you really need them.
  • If you're looking for a Christmas tree, shop around locally but I recommend investing in a fake otherwise you'll have to keep buying trees for £60-100 each year when that money could be spent on gifts.
  • Pick up gifts in the after Christmas sale for next year - you'll be glad you bought those cards half price. If you can remember where you stored them!
I hope this post was helpful to you and if you have any Christmas budget tips yourself, please share them in the comments! Until next time, love Vee x


  1. I so need this! Although I feel like I impulsively buy everything NO MATTER where I'm shopping!!! And it's so much easier to do it online for me... But that's such a good idea about shopping for next year, especially if it's just cute gift sets etc!x

  2. I love this post! It's so important to ask ourselves if we really need something before buying, especially at this time of year- I'm very guilty of impulse buying!

  3. Great post!! This is so important - so many of the best gifts are thoughtful gifts, not just random purchases that end up in the back of the closet! Happy Holidays! xx
