Wednesday, 28 November 2018

Book Review: Someday

Hey bookworms! This week I'll be reviewing a recent read of mine: Someday by David Levithan. If you love wacky books about people waking up in the wrong bodies, then this one's for you.


Every day a new body. Every day a new life. Every day a new choice.

For as long as A can remember, life has meant waking up in a different person’s body every day, forced to live as that person until the day ended. A always thought there wasn’t anyone else who had a life like this.

But A was wrong. There are others.

A has already been wrestling with powerful feelings of love and loneliness. Now comes an understanding of the extremes that love and loneliness can lead to — and what it’s like to discover that you are not alone in the world.

In Someday, David Levithan takes readers further into the lives of A, Rhiannon, Nathan, and the person they may think they know as Reverend Poole, exploring more deeply the questions at the core of Every Day and Another Day. What is a soul? And what makes us human?


Levithan is my favourite author, so of course I was excited about going to buy his latest installment, Someday from Waterstones Piccadilly, where he was signing. I was so excited and couldn't wait to start it.

As always, Levithan doesn't disappoint. Even though it wasn't the ending I expected, it felt like a reality check. The book made me feel like I wasn't alone and that the characters were there for me. I love when a book feels like home.

A sometimes does annoy me as a character, but ultimately, their journey is a unique one and written in such a clever way that it almost feels like a metaphor for life. We aren't always able to find ourselves if we keep searching; we just have to go with the flow and see who we become from our experiences.

Rhiannon is someone I can relate to and I think her character is the most believable. I find her to be a really strong woman after being beaten down by her ex, Justin for ages. She has emerged stronger than ever and we see her go through this journey through all three books. She has the most character development of all.

About X... Well let's just say he's scary as hell! But so well written for an author who usually writes about good, kind people. He's written in a way that we hate him, but understand him at the same time.

Overall, I wasn't blow away as I wish it had ended differently, but I admire Levithan's dedication to this series and hope there's much more to come. Until next time, love, Vee x

Saturday, 24 November 2018

Blogmas: My Favourite Things About Winter

Hey everyone! As it's nearly December I wanted to share some of my favourite things about Winter with you all. Don't forget to let me know your favourite things about Winter in the comments! If you're still missing the Summer, I hope this post reminds you of the good things to come in the Winter season.

My Favourite Things About Winter

  • Thick blankets 
  • Cosying up with a good book and a cup of tea
  • Snow and building snowmen/throwing snowballs
  • Hot drinks on cold nights
  • Watching Christmas movies with my partner and his family
  • Listening to Christmas music in the car on long drives
  • Shopping and wrapping (minus the stress and money)
  • Onesies and comfy socks
  • Log fires
  • Christmas craft and baking
  • Oversized jumpers
  • Going to London at Christmas time
  • The smell of cinnamon and pine needles
  • Cute outfits
  • Decorating the tree and the house
  • The general magic feeling I get at Christmas time
  • Crunchy, icy leaves 

I hope you all enjoyed this post and it reminded you of some good Winter memories. Until next time, love, Vee x 

Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Ways to Practice Self Care in the Winter

Hey guys! So we all know that our mental health can go downhill in the winter months because of the nights drawing in and the cold, rainy days. This post gives you some insight on how to take care of yourself and your mental health during the winter. Self-care isn't just about face masks, eating chocolate and buying your favourite magazine (although I sometimes do this). There's a lot more to it! Read below for some ideas on how to practice better self-care!

Take a Bath or Shower

I personally hate having a bath because, as Chandler puts it, you are "sitting in your own filth." And that just does not relax me. However, I absolutely love showers and when I'm feeling really low I like to take longer ones and just feel the water hitting me; it keeps me grounded when I feel like I'm floating away. If you like showers like me, why not

But if you're a bath person, one way to practice self-care is to have a long bubble bath, buy some Lush bath bombs or read a book in the tub. Do whatever makes you feel more relaxed. Light a few candles and pamper yourself! You can even get a stand like this one so that you can read/watch TV in the tub.

Start a Bullet Journal

If you're having trouble with figuring out how you feel or just want to document your journey, then bullet journaling is a great idea to keep your mind active and to also be creative. You could use your journal for drawings, paintings, calendars or even a mood chart. You can even download bullet journal spreadsheets and printables for inspiration.

Journals are an excellent way to keep track of your mood for your mental health and gives you a good idea of how you're dealing with certain situations. The journal below is an example of a bullet journal (not mine). It's not only for self-care but it's also a great hobby to have and really lets your creativity shine through.


Whenever I'm feeling overwhelmed or I'm struggling, I like to sort out my wardrobe and have a clear out of things I don't need or use. It helps clear my mind and keeps me busy. I tend to feel relieved and a little less confused after I've had a clear out.

Declutter your wardrobe and get rid of clothes you don't use or items you don't want. Winter is a great time to throw out the old for the new year ahead!

Take Up Meditation or Yoga

Meditation isn't for everyone, but it can be a very relaxing technique to practice for your self-care. Take ten minutes to reflect, think or listen to some tapes. I used to listen to Paul Mckenna to help with my anxiety.

Yoga is also great for relaxing and releases endorphins. If you aren't a fan of yoga, you could take up a different sport or exercise such as running or cycling. I cycle to work each morning and it really makes a difference. Make it a routine - whether you get out of bed and do the sun salutation each morning or go for a run after work in the evening.


Have you got a favourite book? One that you've read over and over again? On days where you need a bit of TLC, why not read your favourite book or pick up a new read, maybe even a winter one to take your mind off things?

If reading isn't for you, then why not watch your favourite movie? My favourite is Bridget Jones and I always watch it when I need cheering up. You could watch a Christmas movie to get you into the spirit.

Go Shopping

If the cold is getting you down, then maybe you should go out for a coffee date with yourself to try a new spiced latte or hot chocolate. You can learn to be in your own company and try something new at the same time. It's good to be by yourself sometimes and to treat yourself to something new, whether you're buying new clothes for the season or something simple such as a face mask, some chocolate or a hot drink.

Make a Quotes Jar

If you're feeling down, why not ask your friends, family or online friends if they would send you a positive quote, compliment or note for you to write down on a piece of paper and keep. You can create a jar of positivity and look at these words whenever you feel down.

Alternately, create your own quotes or happy memories and read one to yourself every day to keep a positive mind.

I hope this post has given you some self-care ideas! Until next time, love, Vee x

Saturday, 17 November 2018

Book Review: Floored

Hey guys! So this week is a book review about Floored, a novel about when seven lives collide and what happens in the aftermath. Enjoy!


Floored is written by seven authors; Sara Barnard, Holly Bourne, Tanya Byrne, Non Pratt, Melinda Salisbury, Lisa Williamson and Eleanor Wood.

When they got in the lift, they were strangers. Sasha, who is desperately trying to deliver a parcel; Hugo, who knows he's the best-looking guy in the lift and is eyeing up Velvet, who knows what that look means; Dawson, who used to be on TV, used to be handsome, and is sincerely hoping no one recognizes him; Kaitlyn, who's losing her sight but won't admit it; and Joe, who shouldn't be here at all, but wants to be here the most.

And one more person, who will bring them together again on the same day every year.


I bought Floored solely because Lisa Williamson had co-written it but I ended up loving all the characters and the craziness of the story. I even ended up liking Hugo, the most pompous prick there was. It was such a thrill reading this book; some nights I couldn't put it down and it really has helped me with my reading slump.

I spent the first few chapters trying to guess who's writing was who's but after a while it all melted together and I ended up thinking it was written by one person, one voice.

I think having Steven Jeffords die in the lift and the fact his death brings them together every year to celebrate life, was an excellent idea. Every single one of them has problems in their lives and although they only see one another once a year, it means more to them than any friend they've ever had. These unlikely bunch mean so much to each other, they will run all around the country to see one another. That's true friendship. No matter how often you see your best friends, they will still always be there for you in your time of need.

My personal favourite was Velvet because in the end, she finally finds her place in the world, her voice to speak up for herself. Like all of them, they find their purpose in life and having friends help you along the way is the best bit of the journey.

This book was so well written and gripping; I truly hope all the writers collab again in the future. I can't believe seven people managed to pull this off; I hardly ever read collabs because of my bad experience with them in the past, but this book has changed my mind. I cannot wait to read all the authors' other books.

This is a must read for anyone who needs a friend, a laugh or even a virtual hug from a book. Go and buy this book, now!

Don't forget to subscribe to my blog and let me know if you've read Floored or any of the authors' work in the comments. Until next time, love, Vee x

Wednesday, 14 November 2018

The Man In Forest Hills Book Tour With Alex Owumi

This week's post is a book tour of Alex Owumi's latest release, The Man In Forest Hills. We're so excited to read this one! I have asked Alex a few questions about his book and his writing so read on to find out more!

The Man In Forest Hills Blurb

Being a detective in the city of Boston is no easy task, and with the crime rate sky high, law enforcement is the only hope of getting things back in order. One of the best detectives in the state is Thomas Kent, a hard-nosed, by the book type, who doesn’t bend the rules for anyone. With the help of his department, he has taken down some of the biggest criminals in the city, and has also made a lot of enemies as well. For years he has battled with the biggest drug kingpin in the city, Cecil Chambers. Chambers has been corrupting the streets for more than twenty years. Detective Kent and his partner, Darren Harper, have finally caught a break to bring down Chambers and his infamous crew once and for all.

But the week Cecil Chambers gets behind bars is when it all takes an unexpected turn. Detective Kent wakes up in a hospital with bandages all over his body and no recollection of what has happened to him. He finds out that his wife and only son have been killed, so he immediately starts to look for answers. When he finds out who is involved, he realizes the answers he needs are not too far away. He comes to the reality that in order for him to get answers he can’t approach this as a detective. At the end of it all, Thomas Kent goes from a man who unapologetically honors the shield to a man who knows revenge is the only way.

You can get the UK book here.
You can get the US book here.

Questions With Alex Owumi

1. Was writing The Man In Forest Hills more challenging than writing any other of your books?

Writing this new book was very challenging because it takes place in my hometown of Boston. I had to develop characters that represent the city and sometimes it was difficult.

2. What made you come up with the story line?

The story line was an idea I had back in 2012 and finally decided to start writing in 2017. I knew I wanted characters that were very exciting and mysterious at the same time.

3. Is there going to be a sequel or is it a stand alone?

This book is the first of a new series called 'Metro Crimes.' It will be a series of books based in the city of Boston and the surrounding areas.

4. What book did you enjoy writing the most? And out of all of your characters, who do you like the most?

I love all the books I write but this new one is one I am excited about. I love the challenge that was ahead of me and the protagonist who's name is Tom Kent is an amazing character.

5. What is the most challenging aspect of being a writer? And the most rewarding aspect?

The most challenging aspect of being a writer is literally developing characters from scratch. It is extremely difficult but when you've found your groove the sky is the limit. Seeing readers appreciate your book is the most rewarding thing for me. I love my fans and supporters and love writing stories for them.

I hope you enjoy reading Alex's books! Until next time, love, Vee x

Saturday, 10 November 2018

Why I'm Afraid to Succeed

Hey guys. So this week's blog is a very personal one for me. It's all about why I'm afraid of succeeding and reaching my goals. I hope others can relate to this, and that this post gives you some comfort in knowing others struggle with this too.

One of my goals in life is to become an editor in a publishing house. I'm really determined to gain as much experience in editing and proofreading as possible and I have enrolled myself on to a CPD diploma in Proofreading, Journalism and Editing. I have various experience with writing but from what a lot of research tells me, it's a very competitive career path.

This is why I would like to study English Literature and Creative Writing at university. But for some reason, I can't bring myself to actually go for it. It may be the debt, money or job aspect holding me back, but ultimately I'm stopping myself applying through my own self-doubt.

There are lots of thoughts in my head right now saying that I can't do this, that I can't succeed and do a degree. I know these thoughts are self-sabotaging and degrading. But there's the little devil on my shoulder saying not to do it, that it'll ruin everything. When in actual fact, this is something I really want and need to do for my career. Will it be hard? Yes, definitely. Will I struggle with money? Probably, but this is an investment in myself. Will it be worth it? Absolutely. I just need to ask myself if, when I'm old, will I regret not doing it? And the answer is yes, I would regret not studying.

I've been looking into university since I was able to use the computer; it's something I really wanted to do, which is why I went into school at the age of fourteen. I had been homeschooled up until this point, so as you can imagine, it was a shock to my system going straight into high school. I ended up having panic attacks and had to leave school for my mental health. I've struggled with chronic anxiety ever since then.

I made it my mission to complete my GCSEs at home through the NEC (National Extension College) where I took English Literature, English Language and Science. We could only afford a few GCSEs which meant I wasn't able to go to college. But with the Open University, I'm able to study part time or full time and it's completely flexible for me.

I need to push myself into new adventures because otherwise I'll be stuck in the same place forever. So take the leap of faith - I'll be right there beside you. Whether it's going for a job interview, applying for university or even travelling. You can do anything if you work hard and put your mind to it!

I hope this blog post is helpful in some way to you. Until next time! Love, Vee x

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

My Day At Penguin Random House Jobhack

Hi guys! This week's blog post is a little different and is about my experience at Penguin Random House Jobhack day.

My Experience

If you don't know what Penguin's Jobhack is, it's a day full of workshops such as editorials, marketing and publicity and people who work in the industry tell everyone a bit about their job and how they got into publishing. It's a great way to network, meet other people and learn more about how to apply for a job at Penguin.

I applied for the Jobhack in Leicester and had to get up at half five in the morning to get there. Even though I ran a lot of the way and was a tad late because of the trains, they waited for me and got started. First of all, we played human bingo, a game to find out more about each other. As soon as I sat down, everyone said hello and they were all so welcoming.

After human bingo, we had a few people talk to us about their jobs and what they do in a day. My favourite was when Becky Miller, an editor for Penguin, talked about her experience getting into publishing and what she does in a day. She made sure she told us all that there's no one way to get into publishing and you absolutely do not need a degree. She told us about her usual day and helped us with a workshop in editorial to give us a taste of what it's like to be in her shoes.

We also had Isabel from Marketing and Publicity who gave us a task of marketing a book which I found really exciting. And after lunch we had a talk on CVs and how we can make our cover letters stand out better (needless to say I applied for a lot of jobs when I got home).

The most fun aspects of the day were meeting new people and asking questions. It was great to meet Rebecca, an audio editorial assistant who told us about her work and set us an audio task. Near the end of the day they gave us time to ask questions and they called this "speed networking" and we all got a chance to ask editors, producers and recruiters, questions about publishing.

Another fun part of the day was when we got to choose books we wanted to take home with us and some people won prizes. We also received a notebook, Penguin tote (yes I got red, I'm very lucky) and a bookmark.

I'm so thankful that I heard about this day and that I went because I met amazing people and I feel more inspired than ever that I'm going to break my way into publishing. Thank you to Penguin for this great day!

If you feel like you'll never get into publishing, then I think this day is perfect for you. It will help lift your spirits and you get to ask as many questions as you have about the industry. Don't give up!

Until next time, love, Vee x

Saturday, 3 November 2018

Book Review: Sasquatch, Love and Other Imaginary Things

Hey guys! So I recently entered a giveaway for Sasquatch, Love and Other Imaginary Things and I won the book! It came all the way from the US so I would like to thank Betsy Aldredge and Carrie DuBois-Shaw for sending it to me.


This book is different from anything I've recently read and involves a Wood Ape, some British snobs and a big guy with a camera. Sasquatch, Love and Other Imaginary Things is about the Berger family who go onto a reality TV show in search of Bigfoot to win money to save their house and pay for Sam's college tuition. Sam, the middle child in the Berger family is obsessed with caring about everyone and wants to study pre-med at college. She knows her family are secretly struggling with money and does everything she can to win Myth Gnomers; even if tat means faking clues and taking snooping around.

The Netherfield team are a competitive group of seniors wanting to win money for their school and Dr. DeGraw who is also one of the judges. Devan, Kyle and Caroline are snotty, stuck up kids who are determined to win against the Berger family. Unfortunately, love gets in the way and the family are soon faced with complications, flu and planting fake clues in order to win against the Netherfield team. Even though Sam and Devan are mortal enemies in the competition, they can't help being drawn to one another.

This book was actually a breath of fresh air to me and I found it hilarious. I hardly ever read any comedy, but YA mixed with corny jokes and sarcastic comments is my idea of a dream novel. Sam reminds me of myself and is the lovable joker of the family. She cares about everyone but worries constantly and is always sarcastic.

I also really liked Sophie, her awkward older sister and Lyssa, her slutty younger one. The whole family is embarrassing and wonderful at the same time. This book is full of family values, sacrifice and support. It's a different take on romance, love and what it means to be family.

If you're looking for a funny, awkwardly romantic YA novel, then this is for you! I hope you enjoyed this review and let me know in the comments if you've read it!

Until next time, love Vee x