
Saturday, 13 January 2018

An Interview with Huntley Fitzpatrick

I asked one of my favourite authors, Huntley Fitzpatrick if she would kindly answer a few questions about her books and writing. Amazingly, she agreed and here we have her answers! I hope you enjoy this week's blog.

Who/what are your inspirations to write?

I fell in love with words and stories when my father read me E.B. White’s Charlotte’s Web when I was four. I loved the story of how a few words could change the world for the characters.  

How did you get into writing?

When my kindergarten teacher asked us all what I wanted to be when I grew up, saying “a writer” was affirming what I already knew. As for getting into writing, I just wrote…journals, stories, poems, everything.  The world often seemed mysterious to me until I translated it into my own words.

What would be your advice to someone who’s experiencing writer’s block? And what would be your advice to someone who wants to write for a living?

First off, writer’s block is real…there are moments when the words don’t come. Or at least the words in an order you experience as well done. Write anyway. I know that sounds like saying “work through the pain” the way people tell you with exercise. Actually, it is the same thing. Write anyway. Just don’t reread what you’ve written. Keep going.  As for writing for a living—that’s a much harder question. If you mean supporting yourself by your writing alone, that’s tricky and most/many brilliant writers don’t do that.  Write away but make sure you have enough money. Nothing dries up creativity like constant financial stress.

Of all the books you’ve written, who is your favorite character and why? 

It’s hard to have an answer for this—in fact, I’m not sure I have one. My favorite character is whichever one I’m empathizing with as I write. Not only Samantha and Jase, Gwen and Cass, Tim and Alice, but all the secondary characters. The lovely thing about writing is that you tap into everyone’s humanity. And once you do that—you love them all. Maybe not Grace Reed. I still kinda hate her.

Who is your favorite author? And what is your favorite book? 

I feel lame here, but I can’t answer either question. I love so many authors and so many books. I can’t even answer who is my favorite author in any genre. Pass on this one.

Do you have any future plans for books? And do you write frequently? 

I’ve never spent a single day without writing something. I always have future plans. There are so many books I still want to write, there will never be enough time in a lifetime. But I sure will try to cram it all in.

If you could choose any world or a fictional world, where would you want to be or travel to?  

After all these years, it’s still Narnia. So many moments that I remember with goosebumps. And I reread those books every year.

How long did it take you to write My Life Next Door?  

It took me two years from start to finish. When I was halfway through, I had this big health-crisis, near death experience. As I was wondering whether I would make it through this thing, along with the “I can’t leave my kids” thought was “I HAVE to finish this book.” I’m so grateful I did.

So there you go! I hope you enjoyed this week's blog. Please subscribe, share, like and all those wonderful things. Until next time. Vee. 

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